Download teams recording without stream - download teams recording without stream -

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Download teams recording without stream - download teams recording without stream


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Download teams recording without stream - download teams recording without stream -


Has anyone successfully implemented recording in Teams without the dependency of Stream? Once meeting or vidioe call got over, does the owner should save the recorded video in to Streams or it will get automatically saved in to Streams?.

The owner can post a link to the video in Stream and attendees can see the video that way. So I dont understand why it failes.

Last time it was working fine. The User wants to delete the record from the Azure Media Service Teams Chat download link because not every attendee of the meeting is allowed to download the file. Any idea how to solve this problem? If not, you might have to wait for the recording to expire, which I think is 20 days. Or file a support call with Microsoft and see if they can do some magic….

Hi Tony, User was not assigned with streams license and now wanted to delete the recording file and restrict others to not to download the file due to some confidentiality. Is there any way that we can delete the recording file or have to wait for 20 days? If the meeting is in a channel, the admin of the team should be able to remove it. Hello Tony, once the recorded video is available to download in chat area, all Meeting attendees can download it.

So, all set up we made to make sure only the presenter is able to share a recorded video now is ineffective, since all users can download it within a day period.

How can I disable this download option once I presenter downloaded and made it available at Stream? Hey Tony- If the video did not upload to Stream then how do i delete it?

It is able to download for 20 days. Can i just delete it? I dunno why his happens. What i do right now as a band aid solution is that, i wait for it to at least be at 95 percent done, then quit MS Teams, then an mp4 file will be completed. However, since i stopped it from finishing the rendering, the recorded meeting is always not complete.

It would be nice and logical for the meeting admin to have the ability to simply delete the recording. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

Skip to content. Table of Contents. Figure 1: The recording of a Teams meeting fails to upload to Stream. Figure 2: No Stream license is assigned to this account. Figure 3: A tenant can restrict who can upload to Stream.

Figure 6: Posting a Stream link into a Teams conversation. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading The Stream admin can rescue the videos and assign ownership to other people.

You can use the deleted users function in Stream admin to transfer ownership to another user. But hey, who reads everything these days… Loading Hi Tony, Not sure if something has changed in the past few months but it seems that restricting video upload no longer affects Teams meeting recordings. Hi Tony, If the video failed to upload to Stream, are other meeting attendees able to view the recording?

Thank you Loading And if a owner is left who recorded a video how to restore it and provide to attendee please. Hi Tony, a user of our tenant has a problem. Thx Andi Loading Or file a support call with Microsoft and see if they can do some magic… Loading I did not have the access to ms stream. I want to delete recording now, how can I do it? Is the recording still shown in Teams?

Sounds like a good ask on Teams User Voice. Contact Microsoft support. Zsombor Fritz - can you elaborate on your comment? I know there was a developer build of Edge a few weeks back that resulted in unusual behavior on web. I'm not aware of any issues with the public build of Edge.

Could you confirm which version of Edge you are using which I think is Here is a bit more detail on the entire process: a meeting is recorded in the Teams service, and it remains there until it can upload it to Stream.

Once it can upload it to Stream, a link to the recording in Stream is inserted in the related Team channel or chat, and it the video remains in Stream only. If the recording can't be uploaded to Stream, for whatever reason maybe the user doesn't have access to Stream or the user doesn't have a license to Stream , it remains in the Teams service for 7 days this has been recently increased to 20 days and a user can download it from Teams and move it somewhere else since the user can't access Stream, he or she can upload it to the files tab in Teams or his OneDrive for Business, as an example.

The number of days can NOT be changed, because it's really just a temporary place to store the recording until it can get moved to Stream. After the deadline, the video is deleted from the service for good. I hope that helps you understand why different people see different things once user can access Stream, and the other cannot. When I copy a video link from MS Teams with Products 68 Special Topics 42 Video Hub Most Active Hubs Microsoft Teams. Security, Compliance and Identity.

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Microsoft Enterprise. Browse All Community Hubs. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Sign In. Deleted Not applicable. Has something changed Microsoft's end? Labels: Labels: Meetings. Linus Cansby. Is downloading meeting inside teams different from downloading from Stream? Be sure your users does not have a Stream license assigned.

There are only 3 users assigned to stream in the Azure Portal as well. Yes, there it is possible to download a recording direct from Teams. I've only seen it when there been problem uploading to Stream and then users get the option to download direct from Teams.



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